Important Notice

Settlement cycle for US, Canadian and Mexican securities are shortened from T+2 to T+1


  • The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted a shortened settlement cycle for various US securities from two (2) business days after the trade day (T+2) to one (1( business day after the trade day (T+1);
  • The Canadian Capital Markets Association and the Contraparte Central de Valores (CCV) of Mexico also reduced its standard securities clearing and settlement cycle to T+1
  • These changes are expected to enhance (i) investors’ protection by reducing credit risk and (ii) trading process efficiency.


Effective Date

This new T+1 settlement cycle is effective from:-

  • 27 May 2024 - for Canadian and Mexican securities
  • 28 May 2024 - for US securities



refer to:

  • Equities
  • Exchange traded funds
  • American depository receipts’
  • Warrants / rights
  • Fixed income bonds (including corporate and sovereign debt) and
  • Unit investment trusts

For Over-the-Counter derivatives and structured notes which reference the abovementioned in-scope securities, please refer to the respective offering documentation for the settlement cycle details.


​​​​​​​Please ensure sufficient fund in your account for this shortened settlement cycle

Your account will be credited/debited one (1) business day after the trade date (T+1) for transaction of the abovementioned in-scope product.  

  • Please ensure there is sufficient fund in your account for this shortened settlement cycle. 
  • Question, please feel free to contact your Relationship Manager.  Thank you.